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SFF Dog Adoption App

Thank you for your interest in adopting a dog/puppy from St. Francis Farm. Our goal is to rescue as many dogs as possible and to place them into suitable homes for the rest of their days. With this adoption we hope that you will assist us in our goal by providing every opportunity for this dog to excel in your home. Adoption is a lifelong commitment. If you are ready and willing to make this commitment, take the next step and fill out this application!

Do note that each application will be processed and references will be contacted before our representatives contact you. It may take 3-5 days depending on how many applications we are processing. We will reach out to you as soon as possible. 

Contact Information





























PO Box 184 •  Holbrook , NY 11741  •  (631) 478-6844 •  lcarescue [ at ] gmail.com